
User Manuals

Click on the links below to access manuals for the individual components of the Chorus package.

TweetCatcher Desktop (TCD) Manual (v 1.3.x)

TweetVis (TV) Manual (v 1.8.5)

Trouble shooting

Users of Windows 8 or higher (and possibly some Windows 7 users) might find that their first attempt to run Chorus after installation is met with errors reporting files not being registered. On our test PC, this seems to be easily resolved by right clicking each of the program icons (Tweetvis and TCDE) in turn and selecting “Run as Administrator”. You should find that you only need to do this once for each program and that both will run properly from thereon with the usual double-click. If the problem persists, you should go into the program icon properties (right-click -> Properties), select the “Compatability” tab and check the “Run this program as an administrator” box.

Some users have also reported problems with sentiment scores defaulting to zero. This is usually because Java has not been installed on their computer. Java is not always installed by default on a new PC. To download the Java Runtime (JRE) go to and follow the instructions for installation.


We will post tutorials in various forms here from time to time. We also encourage users to contribute written and video based tutorials that reflect real-world usage of the software (not just our expectations of how it may be used). Please feel free to link to web or video resources of this kind in the comments below. If you would like to contribute directly to our Blog, please contact us at

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